The Year of the Water Dragon


I love Chinese New Year. Not only is it an excuse to slurp your noodles (long noodle = long life), but it happens well after the maddening rush of Christmas holidays. And it last fifteen days! You don't have to crowd all your celebrating into one night.

My favourite part is welcoming the animal of the year. In case you haven't heard (or seen the commemorative stamps), 2012 is the year of the Water Dragon. 

There are many useful and interesting websites about the Chinese New Year. (I just got side-tracked on a Chinese New Year Quiz.) Most will tell you what your Chinese Zodiac sign is and an explanation of how you will do in the year that will range from a paragraph to a page in length.

Here is my down and dirty version:

Rat (2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948)
You'll leap tall obstacles and be more creative than a son weasiling his mother.

Ox (2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949)
The Ox is slow and the Dragon impatient. Don't let the flying lizard get you down.

Tiger (2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950)
Diplomacy, not honesty, is the best policy.

Rabbit (2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951)
Against all expectation, the Dragon protects the Rabbit. Lucky Rabbit!

Dragon (2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952)
This is your year. Don't let it go to your head.

Snake (2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953)
Beware bean salesmen and other dubious finacial offers.

Horse (2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954)
Obstacles may look larger than in real life. Rein in your anxiety.

Sheep (Ram, Goat) (2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955)
Fear of failure may paralyse you. Ram right through your fears.

Monkey (2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956)
Monkey see. Monkey learn. Monkey profit.

Rooster (2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957)
Go ahead, crow. Successful year ahead.

Dog (2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958)
People will admire your hardwork, loyalty and ability to produce a blog on the Chinese New Year.

Pig (Boar) (2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959)
The beginning of the year may be a "boar", but by the end you'll be happy as a pig in ... whatever pigs like best.