Re-Presenting Deadly Season

I discovered something very uplifting when I reviewed this book. I still really like it. That's very gratifying for an author to discover after a few years. I didn't have to change much in the new edition beyond the obvious change of publisher and a few little things that won't jibe with the new edition of Deadly Legacy.

I've also modified my name. I hope to be publishing my mysteries as Alison E. Bruce, to differentiate between me and the mystery writing Alison Bruce in England. I wanted to do this coming out of the gate, but it didn't work out that way. It may turn out that all my books will be as Alison E. Bruce, or I may throw my hands up in frustration because I can't make it work.

The cover change is mostly because of  Deadly Legacy too. I loved the original cover that Ryan Doan created for Deadly Season. But he didn't do the original Deadly Legacy cover and the two covers didn't look like they belonged together. Since Ryan is no longer in the business, I had to start from scratch.

The other reason for the change is that Deadly Season does look like it belongs to the Imajin Qwickies series, which was fine when it was published by Imajin Books. I'm not sure what the other Qwickie authors have done, but we don't need to be coordinated any longer.

By the way, if you buy the paperback, you'll get a preview of the new edition of Deadly Legacy.